Friday 23 July 2010

A letter to my mother

My darling mother

What shall I write to express my feelings, 

Homesickness and loneliness are nothing compared to my longing for you.


It’s been 6 months that I haven’t seen you and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever been through..

I miss you so much..

I miss you like the deserts miss the rain..

I miss you when I remember how you trusted me and encouraged me to fulfill my dream anywhere even if we had to stay apart..

I miss you when I remember that you tried to be strong when we had to say goodbye and once I cried, you cried and told me ‘’ baby, days will pass quickly and you’ll come back again to me”.

I miss you when I hold your photo and imagine that I’m holding you..

I miss you though you call me every day to make sure that I’m alright, to make sure that I wake up to school, and at night, you ask me “sweety how was your day?”.

Your calls brighten my day and eliminate the grief..

your words make me stronger to overcome my weakness..


I know that I have troubled you a lot in my upbringing and now I regret every moment I have been the cause of your anger.
Please forgive me..

you know mammy, I promised myself when I go back home, I will always be an obedient daughter and will do what I can to make you proud of me..


you're everything in my life..

You’re the reason for my strength in this foreignness.. 

I need you so badly..

 like a heart needs a beat,

like a flower needs the rain..

And I love you so much

I love you times the number of stars in the sky..

I love you more than you could know..

Than I could ever show..

I love you greatest mother..


Your girl



  1. Why do you have to write that (T_T)
    Strong words come from your heart which make me cry.
    Miss you mommy.
    I'll take your letter to my mom and I'll say that I'm the one who write it lol.

  2. Glad u like it:D
    take it if want..I don't mind lol^^

  3. there's only 2 months more. and Im like ur sister here
    cheer up love

  4. ur a truly sister 2 me:)
    thanQ u hun^

  5. Well done! This is delightful work, real poetry with a great deal of feeling. Speaking another language is a huge challenge for anyone; to live in another country and then to create an Internet presence is really something. -GG

  6. Great Ameerah, the best post I have read so far.

    May Allah save your MOTHER for you.....


  7. Great work Ameerah - as you can see we're following your blog and hope you really engage with it because you have a lot to offer!!! I'm really looking forward to your imaginative text based on Robyn Davidson's 'Tracks'. What happened to you when you journeyed in to the Australian desert? Who did you meet? Where did you end up?! See you Monday. Take care:)

  8. You don't know how much I was happy when I read your thoughts .
    I never read in my live like it .
    It gives an indication of your ability .

    Continue going beyond the world

  9. thanQ u papy, thanQ u so much 4 reading my posts & supporting me:D:D
    I'm really lucky 2 have such amazing parents:))

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. hi ameerah
    sory i am late

    good jop
    I love it
    It makes me cray

    take care & see you soon

    Najwa Al-shehri

  12. 7abibi JOJO my lovely sister:)

    I really missed u darling

    oooh I'm so happy 2 c u here
    love u
