Friday 3 September 2010

Into the Wild..McCandless's use of the third person!!!!

Writers may apply different styles in their writings, so it’s not possible to have only one way of writing. However, what if you’re writing diaries?? what if your documenting your adventures??

Would you write it in the normal first person way or would you do as our hero has done when he wrote letters, talking about himself, using the third person form.


Is it a usual style to be used??? Or a thing that is associated with his odd character?? i.e. he refused to live a typical life that most guys of his age would lived but took the advantage of being different than anyone else wither he meant to do so or not.


I’ve read many analysis articles about him and I can summaries his usage to the third person to one of two reasons:

Firstly, and this is what might most people agree to is that’s a famous way of writing memoirs.

It’s simply a creative way of talking about your own experience especially if someone else might eyes your letters, as happened with McCandless.

It might provide more life to the piece of writing and helps expressing different types of feelings such as describing unpleasant events that happened to you which avoid any embarrassment.


Secondly, which I mostly agree to is that he has an onset of schizophrenia because his letters while canoeing are not nearly as poetic.

They are full with scare, loss of identity. He seems most confused and sick but this illness doesn’t diminish his talent and his heart.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is an interesting observation Ameerah - what do your peers think? Schizophrenia is a deluded state, a mental illness, perhaps Alex was playing with identity and pushing boundaries, but I doubt he was experiencing this psychotic state in a clinical sense. By attending to himself as 'Alexander Supertramp' in his journals, he is also referencing Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and the notion of the 'Superman.' You can find out more about this by doing a general search or by reading the following link:

    Think: How could this concept be linked to Alex's perception of his own identity?

    (Ameerah, this might help you with your original query)
